Sunday, April 12, 2020

№ 844: Doubting Thomas Road

With all the talk of cures in the air,
why aren't there any mentioning prayer?
So many say they can pray gay away,
why not add, “God, chase corona away”? 

Why isn't Falwell (or other ministers)
pleading for aid from the Divine Listener?
This could, I suppose, be totally logical,
presuming his thinking on things theological:
is, “Heaven’s my home. I am not of the world.
I get to tell God where He's failed
And then inform Him how things would done,
with Falwells in charge, Father & Son.
(Jerry-mandered Falwell requirements
pushing the Old Guy into retirement.)
Note to our email subscribers: an unnoticed glitch/change in our email feed on April 13 changed the reply-to address in our email edition, blocking responses from subscribers. We think has been corrected. (We shall see.) We apologize for any inconvenience.