Friday, December 8, 2017

No. 222.1: EXTRA! NRA — Guns Don't Always Kill People; Not Everyone's Such A Hot Shot

(HARRISBURG, Pa.) — Police say a 10-year-old boy playing with a gun he thought was a toy shot his 6-year-old sister in the chest.
The NRA response to this case
will not be our typical
Shut up, in your face!”
The problem is not
guns in the home
or children with guns
let alone
the right to bear arms
in cities, on farms.
As we are forever explaining
the problem is inadequate training.
With gun practice startin'
in kindergarten
we'd have fewer
haphazardy tragedies.
If this little girl
had also been armed
chances are she might
not have been harmed.
The solution gets clearer
hour by hour.
Everyone needs
more firepower.